Boston Whaler 320 Vantage

Самый большой представитель семейства Vantage - это 32-футовая лодка мечты с двумя консолями, которая может доставить вас и вашу бесстрашную команду исследователей в любое место, куда вы захотите, от залива до открытой воды и большой синевы. Это многогранное судно получило награду Национальной ассоциации производителей морской техники за инновации. Благодаря отличным эксплуатационным характеристикам и непотопляемому корпусу Whaler 320 Vantage - это еще один шаг к созданию лодки, о которой вы мечтали всю свою жизнь.
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- Brand
- Бренд
- Длина8,86 м
- Ширина2,74 м
- Максимальная мощность800
- Максимальная скорость55 миль/час
- Высота2.1 м
- Спецификация и оборудование
- Двигатель
- Опции и аксессуары
• All hardware 316-L stainless steel
• All rails welded 316-L stainless steel
• 8" stainless steel pop-up cleats (2), midship
• 10" stainless steel pop-up cleats – (2) bow, (2) stern with stainless steel hawse pipes,
(2) spring line
• 28 " interior freeboard
• Anchor storage
• Anchor windlass with 200’ of rope, chain and stainless-steel anchor
• Bow and stern eyes
• Cockpit coaming bolsters
• Cockpit courtesy lights (dual color blue/white)
• Drink holders (stainless steel)
• Extended integral swim platform with stainless steel ladder and grab rail
• Grab rails (stainless steel)
• Hawse pipes with drink holders (2), stern (stainless steel)
• Heavy-duty rub rail
• Molded fiberglass starboard dive/boarding door with removable stainless steel dive
• Motorwell drains (2)
• Self-bailing cockpit sole
• Stainless steel thru hull anchor roller davit
• Transom door with stainless steel latch
• Grab rails, located on centerline (stainless steel)
• Mold in non-skid
• Navigation light
• Rod holders (4) (white or black depending on frame color selection)
• Tow bit (deleted with Fishing Package) (white or black depending on frame color selection)
• Welded aluminum integrated frame with tempered glass windshield (white or black
depending on frame color select
• Bank of drawers
• Battery switch panel
• Built-in storage
• Cutting board
• Dedicated trashcan storage
• Drink holders (stainless steel)
• Grab rail (stainless steel)
• Insulated livewell/cooler (18 gallons)
• Outboard fiddle rail
• Sink with pull out sprayer
• Solid surface countertop
• 12V receptacle
• Bow bolster
• Bow cushions with backrests
• Bow walkthrough block off panel
• Drink holders (4) – stainless steel
• Fiberglass lids with latches
• Folding armrests, port and starboard
• Forward side rails (welded stainless steel)
• Forward step to bow
• Molded-in insulated cooler on centerline
• Recessed storage/cup holder compartment
• Stereo system (JL audio integration into Simrad Navigation Package), JL audio
MM105-HR stereo with dash mounted remote volume/mute knob, AM/FM/HD radio,
USB audio, and iPhone/Android compatible via integrated Bluetooth 5.0, JL waterproof speakers (6), 10" subwoofer, and 800 watt amplifier
• 12" Simrad NSX Electronics/Navigation Package, Simrad NSX 12" MFD (GPS, chart
plotter, fishfinder), Active Imaging 3 in 1 transom mount transducer (CHIRP, SideScan,
DownScan), C-Map® Discover™ X Chart Card: North America/Canada
• 250 V8 Black Dual Mercury® Verado® engines with hydraulic power steering
■ 250 V8 White Dual Mercury® Verado® engines with hydraulic power steering
■ 300 V8 Black Dual Mercury Verado engines with hydraulic power steering
■ 300 V8 White Dual Mercury Verado engines with hydraulic power steering
■ 250 CXL V8 CMS Black Dual Mercury Verado FourStroke® with Joystick Piloting.
Outboard docking system with joystick, electronic steering, Skyhook/autopilot keypad
functionality. (Simrad or other standalone optional autopilot not permitted with
Joystick Piloting) (includes VesselView®) (includes fuel/water separators)
■ 250 CXL V8 CMS White Dual Mercury Verado FourStroke with Joystick Piloting.
Outboard docking system with joystick, electronic steering, Skyhook/autopilot keypad
functionality. (Simrad or other standalone optional autopilot not permitted with
Joystick Piloting) (includes VesselView) (includes fuel/water separators)
■ 300 CXL V8 CMS Black Dual Mercury Verado FourStroke with Joystick Piloting.
Outboard docking system with joystick, electronic steering, Skyhook/autopilot keypad
functionality. (Simrad or other standalone optional autopilot not permitted with
Joystick Piloting) (includes VesselView) (includes fuel/water separators)
■ 400 V10 DTS Black Dual Mercury Verado with hydraulic power steering and
fuel/water separator
■ 400 V10 DTS White Dual Mercury Verado with hydraulic power steering and
fuel/water separator
■ 400 V10 DTS Black Dual Mercury Verado Joystick Piloting. Outboard docking system
with joystick electronic steering, Skyhook/autopilot keypad and functionality. (Simrad
or other standalone optional autopilot not permitted with Joystick Piloting) (must
select Premium Package or VesselView 4" Display)
■ 400 V10 DTS White Dual Mercury Verado Joystick Piloting. Outboard docking system
with joystick, electronic steering, Skyhook/autopilot keypad and functionality. (Simrad
or other standalone optional autopilot not permitted with Joystick Piloting) (must
select Premium Package or VesselView 4" Display)
■ Active Engine Trim (Mercury option that automatically adjusts drive trim based on speed)
■ Air compressor system
■ Anchor Package – low profile windlass with rode and stainless-steel anchor
■ Battery charging system
■ Batteries – GR31 AGM (factory installed)
■ Beach boarding ladder
■ Bow tow eye
■ Corian countertop at utility center
■ Fishing Package – includes: 19 gallon transom livewell with light, raw-water washdown,
stainless-steel toe rails with under gunnel storage shelf and lockable rod storage in
starboard side console
■ Glovebox (port console)
■ Grey water system
■ Hardtop rod holders (5) (must select hardtop or hardtop w/speakers) (not compatible
with SureShade) (deletes tow bit on hardtop)
■ Hardtop spotlight (Must select hardtop or hardtop w/speakers)
■ Lighting - underwater LED
■ Rails – split bow rail
■ Rails – white rub rail with stainless steel insert
■ Rails – black rub-rail with stainless steel insert
■ Refrigerator at cockpit with dedicated storage and breaker for shut off
■ Shore power – battery charger 30A (house, engine and inverter battery bank charging)
and galvanic isolator (include in summer kitchen option)
■ Storage shelf (in head) (convertible for deployment)
■ Summer kitchen – includes: 12 V refrigerator (includes connection to shore power),
2000-watt inverter, automatic charging relay for inverter battery bank charging
from engines, Corian countertop, electric grill, shore power with battery charger and
galvanic isolator (house, engine and battery bank charging)
■ Sun top with boot (must select hardtop delete) (black or blue)
■ Sunshade – bow (Must select fiberglass hardtop or fiberglass hardtop
w/speakers option)
■ Sunshade – cockpit (must select fiberglass hardtop or fiberglass hardtop
w/speakers option)
■ Table – bow table with filler cushion
■ Table – cockpit table with dedicated storage
■ Trailer – aluminum with disc brakes, dual torsion axles, guide-on stanchions, LED
lights, radial tires, spare tire
■ VacuFlush® toilet, holding tank, overboard discharge and dockside pump-out
■ Grab rails (located on centerline, stainless steel) (2)
■ Lighting – LED navigation lights
■ Lighting – LED overhead courtesy lighting (blue) (4)
■ Lighting – LED courtesy map light (red/white) (1)
■ Rod holders (4)
■ Tow bit
■ Welded aluminum integrated frame with tempered glass windshield
■ Blue LED overhead courtesy lighting (4)
■ Grab rails-located on centerline – stainless steel (2)
■ JL waterproof speakers (2)
■ LED navigation lights, rod holders (4)
■ Lighting
■ Lighting (red/white led courtesy map light) (1)
■ Tow bit
■ Welded aluminum integrated frame with tempered glass windshield
■ Hardtop gelcoat (hardtop underside color matches hull color) (options include Abaco
Blue, Classic Desert Tan, Glacier Green, Horizon Blue, Light Blue, Light Grey, Platinum,
or Steel Blue)
■ 250 V8 White Dual Mercury® Verado® engines with hydraulic power steering
■ 300 V8 Black Dual Mercury Verado engines with hydraulic power steering
■ 300 V8 White Dual Mercury Verado engines with hydraulic power steering
■ 250 CXL V8 CMS Black Dual Mercury Verado FourStroke® with Joystick Piloting.
Outboard docking system with joystick, electronic steering, Skyhook/autopilot keypad
functionality. (Simrad or other standalone optional autopilot not permitted with
Joystick Piloting) (includes VesselView®) (includes fuel/water separators)
■ 250 CXL V8 CMS White Dual Mercury Verado FourStroke with Joystick Piloting.
Outboard docking system with joystick, electronic steering, Skyhook/autopilot keypad
functionality. (Simrad or other standalone optional autopilot not permitted with
Joystick Piloting) (includes VesselView) (includes fuel/water separators)
■ 300 CXL V8 CMS Black Dual Mercury Verado FourStroke with Joystick Piloting.
Outboard docking system with joystick, electronic steering, Skyhook/autopilot keypad
functionality. (Simrad or other standalone optional autopilot not permitted with
Joystick Piloting) (includes VesselView) (includes fuel/water separators)
■ 300 CXL V8 CMS White Dual Mercury Verado FourStroke with Joystick Piloting.
Outboard docking system with joystick, electronic steering, Skyhook/autopilot keypad
functionality. (Simrad or other standalone optional autopilot not permitted with
Joystick Piloting) (includes VesselView) (includes fuel/water separators)
■ 400 V10 DTS Black Dual Mercury Verado with hydraulic power steering and
fuel/water separator
■ 400 V10 DTS White Dual Mercury Verado with hydraulic power steering and
fuel/water separator
■ 400 V10 DTS Black Dual Mercury Verado Joystick Piloting. Outboard docking system
with joystick electronic steering, Skyhook/autopilot keypad and functionality. (Simrad
or other standalone optional autopilot not permitted with Joystick Piloting) (must
select Premium Package or VesselView 4" Display)
■ 400 V10 DTS White Dual Mercury Verado Joystick Piloting. Outboard docking system
with joystick, electronic steering, Skyhook/autopilot keypad and functionality. (Simrad
or other standalone optional autopilot not permitted with Joystick Piloting) (must
select Premium Package or VesselView 4" Display)
■ Deluxe Electronics Simrad Package 12" display (combines premium electronics
options with Port and starboard acrylic dash and switch panels for integrated look and
functionality), Simrad® NSX 12" MFD (GPS, chart plotter, fishfinder), Active Imaging
3 in 1 transom mount transducer (CHIRP, SideScan, DownScan), C-Map® Discover™ X
Chart Card: North America/Canada, integrated Mercury SmartCraft Connect, custom
black acrylic dash areas, stereo system JL audio integration into Simrad Navigation
Package, glovebox, port console
■ Radar dome (must select hardtop or hardtop w/speakers) Simrad HALO24 4 kW 24"
high definition digital dome
■ Satellite weather and radio (requires monthly subscription), satellite radio Sirius®
satellite receiver with antenna, Simrad WM-4 Sirius Marine Weather Receiver
■ VHF radio – Simrad RS20S VHF radio
■ Auto pilot (not compatible with Joystick Piloting), Simrad NAC-2 autopilot computer
■ Stereo system (JL Audio integration into Simrad Navigation Package), JL Audio
MM105-HR stereo with dash mounted remote volume/mute knob, AM/FM/HD radio,
USB audio, and iPhone®/Android® compatible via integrated Bluetooth® 5.0, JL
waterproof speakers (6), 10" subwoofer, and 800 watt amplifier
■ VesselView 4” display (replaces SmartCraft® Deluxe Gauges) (network connections to
Simrad with Navigation Package)
■ Cockpit cover (includes bow and cockpit) (black or blue)
■ Weather curtain set (includes side curtains, visor, and aft drop curtain) (black or blue)
■ Classic Desert Tan
■ Glacier Green
■ Light Blue
■ Platinum
■ Abaco Blue
■ Fighting Lady Yellow
■ Horizon Blue
■ Ice Blue
■ Jadestone
■ Oyster Grey
■ Platinum
■ Sand Metallic
■ Steel Blue
■ Tectonic Silver
■ Wasabi
■ Abaco Blue
■ Classic Desert Tan
■ Glacier Green
■ Horizon Blue
■ Light Blue
■ Platinum
■ Steel Blue
■ Black graphics
■ Blue graphics
■ Chrome graphics (with silver model designator)
■ Red graphics
■ Silver graphics
■ White graphics
■ White (Standard)
■ Black
■ Painted center stripe of engine cowl to match selected hull color
- Бренд
- Длина8,86 м
- Ширина2,74 м
- Максимальная мощность800
- Максимальная скорость55 миль/час
- Высота2.1 м